Why the Seraphim are a bunch of OP little girls

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Im playing SUp com FA right, and its total BS! On assassination I dont care how good u are, all a sery has to do is build one of those cheap A** bombers (20000 mass that BS) and send it on a waypoint cruise around your defenses and one shot ur commander!

Now lets go on shall we, the Seraphim nuke can LITERALLY take out half of Setons Cluth. I mean wtf unless your planning on building 8 AN and sucking ur econ dry i suggest you dont even bother.

And if that wasnt enough, the seraphim has the most powerful airforce, all their vehicles can float on water, and their t4 bot is only 15k mass! OMFG!

So yah GPG please nerf this race...class...sect....etruscian.. watever just bring them down so that the already NERFED INTO OBLIVION cybran have some microcosmic chance of beating them.
makes sense to me XD i play supcom and i have to agree with him. Though i'm not as mad, just takes some quick thinking and luck. i've gotten owned more than once. its a bit sad really ; ; i think i just suck at supcom though
I gave up on RTS games back when warcraft 3 came out. I just cant click fast enough to be any good at the games.
Click fast enough? THe two I am only into is COH and WIC. I find that FPS require a much faster trigger finger then either of these RTS'S?
oh you play WiC? nice me too.

my only gripe with that game is the matches end way too quickly. i still havent seen a nuke in multiplayer. its actually a bit irritating heh
i've only played the SP of FA, i think its gay that you cant even play as the seraphim in the SP.....but yeah, its THQ, they cant balance a game worth a dam. Look at dawn of war, people cry out that one race is just too powerful, so what do they do? Make that race even stronger and nerf the other races to the point that they arent playable. Sad THQ....just sad
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