which email is best

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Baseband Member
This might at first seem quite similar to another post in this forum, but I am more interested in which server based email is best.I am currently using Outlook Express, but I am considering going to another program. I've heard of a few but am uncertain as to which one is the best, if there is one that stands out above the rest.
PocoMail!!! I use it, and it supports its own HTML coding so you do not get any spyware from HTML mails anymore.
It's realy great..I will make a screenshot....wait a minute...i wil post it here
This might at first seem quite similar to another post in this forum, but I am more interested in which server based email is best. I am currently using Outlook Express, but I am considering going to another program. I've heard of a few but am uncertain as to which one is the best, if there is one that stands out above the rest. ---Taz202

There are 2 of which I know of, which are very, very good and they suffer from none of the security flaws or problems that OE suffers from. Mozilla Thunderbird http://www.mozilla.org/products/thunderbird/ and Eudora http://www.eudora.com/. I've also heard of one called The Bat http://www.ritlabs.com/en/products/thebat/, which is supposed to be very, very good.

I currently use Mozilla Thunderbird and I highly recommend it. Very easy to use. You can encrypt your mail with GnuPG, configure multiple POP3 and IMAP based email accounts. You can also get extensions or other programs that would allow you to configure it to receive something like hotmail or something else that doesn't fit that category, but I wouldn't suggest it. Hotmail and Netscape Mail are insecure as is. Any POP3 or IMAP based internet email client will work, so most internet based email will work with it.

As with most email programs there is unlimited room. The good thing about Mozilla Thunderbird is that if you want to add something to the program that doesn't come by default there are tons of extensions you can add to it from the Mozilla site and if something isn't there for what you want you can always email them and they'll create it. Oh and don't worry about spam on this either, I've had none.

Lots of other goodies I haven't mentioned that comes with the program. Here's the site if you want to download it and read up on it: http://www.mozilla.org/products/thunderbird/.

Here's the Eudora site too: http://www.eudora.com/. Both are extremely good and I would recommend them.

People like each of the two for different reasons, so if you pick either of the two you'd be making a good choice. You'll probably do yourself well by doing some research though. I good place to start might be OC Forums www.ocforums.com. They have a lot of knowledgeable people and there and extremely well written articles on the forum.

If you have any more questions on either of the browsers then just post it and I'll answer you question. Hope I was helpful:).
I prefer e-mail services you get from other sites such as yahoo.I think the security is better and i can save some time.
yeah i usually use web based email that i just access from the website. you can do pretty much everything you can do with an email client, through the site and its a lot faster.
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