When using Clonezilla to clone a storage HDD, do I clone boot loader to target disk?


Lookin' for higher ground
Hi all!

Ok, I have a storage HDD that is getting some hours on it. I would like to clone all my data, including my Itunes, WMP, etc. files to a new drive and then remove the old drive. After doing this operation, I would like my computer to read from the new drive exactly as if it was the old drive.

I have read Clonezilla's instructions, but not sure if I am to clone boot loader to target disk. Boot loader sounds like something the drive with the OS has on it.

Can someone help me please? So far, I have read these instructions found here:

Disk to disk clone

Am I missing something?

Thank you,

Well, no one answered me. I did select clone boot loader to target disk when Clonezilla asked me. The result? Well, at first everything worked literally flawlessly.

Then, after one day, I suddenly received the very first BSOD ever on this system [one year old system].

No more BSOD's since then and I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed.

Still wondering why no one could answer my initial question.

This section doesn't get a lot of views, your thread you can see only got 26 or so, so it's likely nobody who knew what they were talking about actually viewed the thread :p
To answer your question, yep you've got the right idea about boot loaders. Basically exactly what it sounds like
Booting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia