What is the Difference between WoW and AoC?

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Ya, after about 5pm you cant even create a new character due to the server load, and its usually around a 3m queueueueueue time.
A game, even an online game should have ambience, rain effects, fog, correct shadows, if your in a town a crier, voices that depict the npc, if your in a cave an echo based on the depth of the cave, voices based on proximity.

If there are bugs, ?
A game, even an online game should have ambience, rain effects, fog, correct shadows, if your in a town a crier, voices that depict the npc, if your in a cave an echo based on the depth of the cave, voices based on proximity.

What is this in response to?? Kinda random..

There is ambience, rain effects, fog, and shadows. I don't know what you mean by a crier.
They couldn't voice act the entire game unfortunately. Would have required a retarded amount of extra time/money i guess. 1-20 is fully voice acted, and the detiny quest at 30/50/60/70/80 is all voiced.
It has full 5.1/7.1 positional surround audio/EAX and whatnot (sounds great on a good system). I'm not sure about depth of echo, though if your in a closed space like a cave it sounds like you're in a cave etc..

If there are bugs, ?

What's this mean? Are there bugs? Of course there is. There is no online game in the world free of bugs. Especially right after launch. Right now cotton harvesting is broken, and harvesting in general has a couple kinks that need to be worked out (the zones randomly kick you and reset all the nodes to 0%), theres a handful of broken quests here and there that are getting fixed pretty quickly. I've heard rumors of a slight memory leak. I don't know if thats true or not. I've got a ton of memory so a leak doesnt even matter. There's a couple graphical glitches here and there, i.e. pony tails sticking out straight and such. I've also fallen through a wall to my death a couple times. More my fault for jumping around places I shouldnt be lmao.

The games running pretty solidly now. Another couple/few weeks and most of the main bugs will be worked out, and they'll probably start adding more content to the endgame.

And heck vee I'm glad I rolled on an averagely populated server lol.
Actually there is a ton of ambient noise. Heck the first time i played i kept thinking my cat was circling my feet and crying because of the stupid cat in the inn.
hahaha yeah XD I love it. I've jumped once or twice because of a surprise attack behind me.

Also cotton harvesting has been fixed, as well as more quests. XD
Sorry about the random factor, the difference between two games has a lot to do with what you apreciate in most cases, the question " what is the difference between WoW and AoC", I made a post about ambiance, to me that is a difference, also a difficult quallity to capture: a crier is one who yells out news, by bugs I mean ones wich hamper your ability to play or ruin it.
I agree that the difference between two games has a lot to do with what you appreciate. Especially in MMOs. Its the little things like the sound of crunching snow under your feet when you run through it and the creatures actually making noise. When you're running to Connal valley from the village, you can hear the wolves snarling and howling and they attack the rabbits and stuff running around. That's just one good example of the excellent ambiance this game has.
I just realized another difference between AoC and WoW. My account is still active on AoC :) Blizzard just lost my 15 bucks a month.
Haha nice one vee. I actually bothered to pay for my AoC after I did the free time on AoC unlike WoW. I did the free trial on WoW and messed around but was not convinced to pay for it. AoC had me the second I watched trailers for the game.
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