Vista Compared To 7

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The right click thing doesn't give you the option to do things such as 'restore' 'maximize' 'minimize' 'move' etc.

And I know it's one extra keystroke but it's an inconvenience none the less. It would take me half as much time to just right click and hit c to close multiple windows in a matter of a few seconds. That's just not possible with windows 7's default jump list.
I thought right click does all that. KSoD?

7 does take less time to load, you know... Depends on hardware, but generally is. A split second will not take up more time than XP.
There is a seemingly endless benefit to 7 for me, but then again, some of the new features are things that I use on a daily basis. DirectAccess has made my life easier ten fold not having to reauthenticate every time my garbage connection with my phone tether craps out.

As far as keyboard shortcuts go, I like the accessability of the items pinned on the taskbar (windows key + 1 = starts first program pinned to the taskbar, left to right) The aero features make managing multiple windows quick and easy. Where I had problems using ready boost with certain thumb drives with Vista, they work with 7, and even my SD card can be used for ReadyBoost.

I like the new search bar within the start menu, it makes accessing control panel utilites a couple of keyboard strokes away, instead of having to navigate there; which makes me happier because i despise the categorized control panel.

I agree, Vista isn't a terrible operating system, but it seems that every other OS Microsoft releases is rushed, and not at the same level of quality as others (98 -> 98SE ; ME -> XP ; Vista -> 7). I personally vastly prefer 7; but again, only because of all the features that I use daily. I ran Vista myself, and still troubleshoot it on an almost daily basis; it's an alright OS, but in my opinion, at the end of the day, 7 is better.
The right click thing doesn't give you the option to do things such as 'restore' 'maximize' 'minimize' 'move' etc.

And I know it's one extra keystroke but it's an inconvenience none the less. It would take me half as much time to just right click and hit c to close multiple windows in a matter of a few seconds. That's just not possible with windows 7's default jump list.

Why do you need those options? Just click on it to Restore it. Why do you have to go to the taskbar to right click to restore when just clicking the item will do that. You say that an extra click to close out a window is a hassle yet you just said you take extra measures to restore a program. Kinda seems like a double standard. It seems to me that you just dont want Win7 to be useful to you so you can stay on XP and give Win7 flak.

Plus if you really have used Win7, you dont have to Close out every window, you just close Window and it will close out the whole group is you have multiple tabs or multiple instances of that program running when you want to shut the whole thing down. Just a simple Close Window and bam it is all gone.

You just clearly show that you will do what it takes to make XP work for you but will give Win7 flak for doing the same thing you want with the same results but different methods. You are the problem, not the OS.
I found that I dislike how if you have a shared folder you can only see that it is shared on the bottom of the explore window instead of having the icon changed.

There seems to be more buttons to just share a folder. That's kind of annoying.

I purchased a computer to put Windows 7 Pro on it and I couldn't be happier. Besides finding these slight annoyances it has been awesome!

I agree with Mak. Seems like some people just go out of their way to find things they don't like about it.

Haters gonna hate
7 is much more up to date and stable when compared to Vista.
The interface is a lot more fluid in 7 when compared to Vista.
You have a lot more functionality with what you can do in 7 when compared to Vista (e.x. removal of certain applications).
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