Tv Commersials

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I know that nobody here likes tv commercials and why do we have them? Are tax money probably goes into some of the commercials. Tv would be alot better without commercials. Movies wouldn't last 3-4 hours instead of 1-2 that are on tv and 30 minute shows would last 15 minutes. So they could show 2 episodes of that show in the 30 minutes instead of commercials.

This is basically a servey of who likes commercials and who doesn't
Like 'em or not, the money that companies pay to air them are what pays for the shows to be made in the first place.

Yes, they are annoying. Yes, I do despise them. But, they are the reason TV survives.
o and beer commercials...those are funny too...especially the one with the rubber floor...lmao
Speaking of commercials. There are a few that I hate including the "he went to jared" crap and pretty much all the medicine commercials.

But yeah, there are some cool ones out there.
Commercials are cool, They show what movies are out,new products, give you a break to go to the bathroom and whatnot. I like commercials.
I love commercials :) They give me a little bit of entertainment every time they come on because my roommate despises them with every ounce of his being and is convinced there is some conspiracy that is putting commercials on at the same time on every channel. It's hilarious!!
Get a tivo/DVR and move on with life. I watched the national championship game in about 45 minutes the other night. I just started it about 2 hours after it started and skipped the time between plays and the commercials. It was awesome. This is literally a life changing device. I don't have to ignore people anymore when I am watching TV, I can just pause it and have a 20 minute conversation, and then resume watching right where I was. But the skipping the commercials and boring commentator crap is the best.
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