Things to consider. . .

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There are things you can consider before you install a Linux OS.
1. Everything is free!
2. You can emulate Windows Apps to run windows files on your PC. (Emulators like Wine )
3. Looks Alot better than Windows.
4. Is very compatible.
5. More Stable
6. Less Viruses
7. More Secure.
Sorry if I sound negative (god, it's been a BAD DAY), but let me correct some of these points.

1. Not everything in Linux is free; you have to pay for freaking Conextant modem drivers. And let's not forget Cedega.

2. Wine - very, verrrrry unstable. Just dual boot if you need your Windows apps that bad...

3. A bit vague, what are you talking about? KDE? GNOME? Fluxbox, Enlightenment, XFCE, etc.?

4. Can you clarify...? If you mean supports more platforms, then yes, that is absolutely correct.

5, 6, and 7 I won't argue with because they're absolutely right IMHO.
macdude425 said:
Sorry if I sound negative (god, it's been a BAD DAY), but let me correct some of these points.

1. Not everything in Linux is free; you have to pay for freaking Conextant modem drivers. And let's not forget Cedega.

2. Wine - very, verrrrry unstable. Just dual boot if you need your Windows apps that bad...

3. A bit vague, what are you talking about? KDE? GNOME? Fluxbox, Enlightenment, XFCE, etc.?

4. Can you clarify...? If you mean supports more platforms, then yes, that is absolutely correct.

5, 6, and 7 I won't argue with because they're absolutely right IMHO.

1. Well for now everything I got for linux is free. Most of it is free. Sorry I should have said MOST is free.

2. I cauld care less about unstabliblity. Especially if it has to do with Windows apps.

3. ost of them look better. Especially KDE.

4. Yes I mean suports more platforms.
i think windows 3.1 looks better than kde.

i'd rather cut my eyes out than use KDE.

okay maybe not my eyes.

but i think that clearlooks gnome is the shit ... i usually use the clearlooks controls, clearlooks icon set, and simple window borders. ... that theme tickles my fancy... i love it.
only if you like watching movies rendered with letters, and using lynx.

go back to jurassic park, dos dinosaur :p
actually the svga library does a fine job of rendering movies thank you, you should try it
the general said:
i think windows 3.1 looks better than kde.

i'd rather cut my eyes out than use KDE.

okay maybe not my eyes.

but i think that clearlooks gnome is the shit ... i usually use the clearlooks controls, clearlooks icon set, and simple window borders. ... that theme tickles my fancy... i love it.

I don't understand how anyone can make a blanket statement about hating KDE...I mean, it's flexable to the point where you can make it look like ANYTHING if you put in enough time...

I've seen KDE desktops that are barely distinguishable from Windows XP and Mac OS X on the surface...

But anyhow, e17's less-than-stable-thus-far eye candy awesomeness is THE way to have a cool desktop ;).
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