Theme Installation Error

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In Runtime
I am trying to install a theme ( and I've unpacked the files. I looked up on google how to install it and I found that you can click and drag the folder into the themes window (System => Preferences => Themes), but when I do that it just says "invalid file format." I try to click "install theme," but it says the same thing. I also found someone saying that I have to unpack them in a .themes folder, where is that or do I have to make it? Can someone help me please?
Sorry for the late reply, but put the archive on your desktop then paste all this into the terminal at once:

cd ~/Desktop && \
tar -xvf 38485-DD2-MetalThemePack125.tar.bz2 && \
cd DD2-MetalThemePack125/ && \
mv D* ~/.themes && \
cd ~/Desktop && \
rm -fr DD2-MetalThemePack125/
Or you could do it by hand, but this is quicker and I have nothing better to do at the moment than type out commands :)
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