The Person Above You

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^ has an imaginary friend
< enjoys being a goose
V is wearing something pink and sparkly
^Is ironicly neither dark, nor a sniper
< is an idiot, but not a tec
\/ just touched themself for the first time and feels kind of guilty about it
^ name is not really 'Emily' :p
< does not have a imaginary friend
< is trying to take off his combat boots
< is wearing BDUs (look it up)
V likes to lick chickens
^^ is a Sniper in games not real life :)
< Yes Chickens yum lad some for dinner lol
V must be crazy for posting in this thread lol
^^^ is under the impression that by calling someone crazy for posting here he automatically is not for doing the exact same thing.

<<< needs sleep, and badly.

VVV has never and will never participate in this thread. (oxymoron?)
^^ dug up and had sex with my dead grandma, you bastard
< would trade nothing for his audigy 2, works great for every thing he needs
VV is a pretty cool guy once you get to know him
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