The Food & Drink Thread

Re: What You've just eaten thread....

I had about 2/3 of a rotisserie chicken, some peanuts, and a Diet Coke for lunch.
Re: What You've just eaten thread....

some maranara meatball spegetti!!! and drank ,milk right outta the jug!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D
Re: What You've just eaten thread....

I ate a Fairtrade Traidcraft mint!!!!!

Exclamation marks!!!! :p
Re: What You've just eaten thread....

Had tuna mornay for Dinner last night, nothing for breakfast this morning and it looks like I'm gonna have nothing for lunch. Busy day today! But the last for the week! Yay for Easter! Moar exclamation marks!!!!1!!1!
Re: What You've just eaten thread....

I had a salad from Subway for supper. I had the girl put everything in it (including jalapeños) and had it topped with buffalo chicken. I used vinegar and oil for dressing. And washed it down with a Diet Orange Crush.
Re: What You've just eaten thread....

Came home from a long work day to an empty house with fresh homemade bread, fresh chocolate cookies, and some kind of new chili. I'm not sure what all was in it but it was pretty good.
Re: What You've just eaten thread....

Pizza and an Arizona Iced Tea :tongue:
Re: What You've just eaten thread....

1x cup of tea. Made with no milk, 3 tea bags, and 6 tablespoons of sugar. Ftw. Now I've got all the energy I need for the day haha
Re: What You've just eaten thread....

Just had me a salad for a snack and had chicken nuggets with chips (not the Doritos kind) that where home made.
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