The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

I tried out Morrowind but found the graphics had aged badly enough that it was difficult to play. I generally don't care about graphics (I just spent half an hour playing the original Populous) but they were distractingly bad. I know I can use a graphics enhancement mod but now I no longer have the amount of time I'd like to dedicate to it.
I think the main reason I didn't play was that the res couldn't go widescreen and I didn't have the tech know-how to amend that.
i didnt like it because it was so **** hard to figure out how to remember where everything was. a little off topic now, but yah i wanna play skyrim bad.
Pre ordered it ages ago with the premium map, cant wait not long to go now :)

Cod for three days then Skyrim.
Just Skyrim for me.. Skipping over BF3 and MW3 because I know this is the only game I'll be playing for a long while :tongue:
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