tech-forums photography thread (56k)

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The front plastic bezel is actually strong and durable (I was surprised by its weight when I removed it) and Antec has put thought into building this case.

>< Contradiction. Plastic and durable should never be used in the same sentence.

Give me a case that forgoes all the plastic crud and then I'll be happy.

Stuff like the Silverstone TJ07, any of the Lian Li's, Gigabytes cases.

On the whole I think Antec's entire product line shifted from nice classy cases aimed at professionals and adults, to cheap plastic monstrosities aimed at 15 year old gamers

I mean heck look at stuff like the P180 series compared to new stuff like the "Skeleton" which can;t even fit half the tower coolers out there, or water cooling, or LN2, or Phase change. It's a product without a purpose. What mainstream computer user is going to go out and buy something like that? It's all enthusiast's, and enthusiasts like to use things other than the stock intel heatsink...
>< Contradiction. Plastic and durable should never be used in the same sentence.

Give me a case that forgoes all the plastic crud and then I'll be happy.

Stuff like the Silverstone TJ07, any of the Lian Li's, Gigabytes cases.

On the whole I think Antec's entire product line shifted from nice classy cases aimed at professionals and adults, to cheap plastic monstrosities aimed at 15 year old gamers

I mean heck look at stuff like the P180 series compared to new stuff like the "Skeleton" which can;t even fit half the tower coolers out there, or water cooling, or LN2, or Phase change. It's a product without a purpose. What mainstream computer user is going to go out and buy something like that? It's all enthusiast's, and enthusiasts like to use things other than the stock intel heatsink...

Agreed, I'll stick to my Lian LI P60 armoursuit.

It IS well made, strong and durable, Although, the main side panel is really hard to get off, and has scratched all the bottom inside of the case as a result, and maybe it's just my DVD drive, but like my old £30 case it still vibrates alot - i wish they used there rubber isolation pad idea like they did on the hard drive tray on the DVD drives aswell.

And the stock fans :rolleyes: i replaced them quickly, they may aswell not be there.. they moved hardly any air.

It really is an 'armoursuit' though, kick this thing and you'll break your toe :D

man i have this plastic spatula.....the thing is indestructible..can bend..wont burn with's awesome....
haha this sounds liek a zune vs ipod argument. zune = nearly inderstructible ipod = sractched peace of crap

I gotta agree, my Zune is a brick.

Could probly build a fallout shelter with em :p

The iPods are sexier looking but you can't touch em even if you want em to stay that way.
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