supernerd or what?


Daemon Poster
so i broke the screen on my laptop that we had for about 10 years

and i just finished moving the files from it with external monitor.

but then kinda hesitated to shut it down

felt kinda sad like putting your pet to sleep...

at the same time i was like wtf you serious?

thing looks like beat up johnny 5 because i got ****ed at it freezing all the time and punched and hammered the sht out of the screen

and now its shut down forever and will be sold for parts on ebay... dead

lol is this weird or am i not the only one that get these thoughts
When I built my new system I was carrying my old one into another room and felt like i was leaving a old friend, But on the happy side is I'm in the process of buying a house so I kept the old one fully intact because I plan to use it in my bedroom and for steaming movies so I'm keeping my old friend but it was weird because I've had it so long and it's been so good to me. OK So we BOTH have a inner SUPERNERDS Shhhhhh don't tell anyone ok......
There is a video on youtube of a old Solaris Box getting shut down that had I think was 12 years solid uptime, the conformation message was "Will I dream?" got a say sometimes you get sentimental about old kit.


Found it, just over 10 years.

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Uhm, the highpoint in my life over the past year or two was getting home from holiday to a box full of the components for my rig in my signature. Not the actual holiday.. or christmas, or birthdays. Nope. It was sitting in my room alone on a miserable day at 10pm at night opening my box of goodies and the sweet smell and feel of all that anti static wrapping.

I think most people on here fall under the supernerd category :p
I smell the parts I get lol. Even if they are used.

Hah. Kinky.

I don't like used stuff for some reason. Don't think i've ever bought something used in my life... I actively encourage others to do it, especially if you are on a tight budget. But I just don't like it for myself, kinda stupid really.
I usually don't like buying used but HAD to to SLI my 470 and on first boot up my heart sank DOH I forgot to power plug the cards lol once they were plugged in I was a happy nerd
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