

Golden Master
Bonn, Deutschland
I've had my eye on Squad for a couple of months now. Been trying to decide whether to buy it for ages, as it's only alpha and in early access. Half the features havn't been implemented yet. Anyway, myself and two of my good Norwegian Steam friends decided to finally pick it up.

We grouped up and joined our first server. For 30 minutes we didn't really have any idea what was going on, the map was huge and we couldn't find any enemy. Game ended and we started another on a new map, this time we had a decent squad leader who was cool with the fact we were total newbies and he explained a lot and helped us out a fair bit.

Suffice to say, this game freaking rocks if you are into your realistic mil sims. Of all the mil sims i've played, this comes out top for me even in this very unfinished state. Why ? because you absolutely can not do well without total comitment to your team and teamwork. There is nothing stopping you going on your lonesome, but you will never do well. Practically everyone i've came across so far has (surprisingly) been a good and willing team player. You stand no chance against a whole team of people with mics and in squads. Zero chance at all.

The game is brutal. It's very much a 1 or 2 hit and you're on the floor kind of affair. Best hope either your medic is good and revives you or your squad leader is on point and has placed a spawn point fairly nearby.

Graphics are okay overall (but they're no way near complete or finished, to be fair), but RPG/grenade and gun fire effects stand out as stars of the show. They're some of the most realistic i've seen. RPGs don't fly at some stupid artificially slow speed either. If someone aims an RPG at you and clicks the LMB you have a pretty slim chance of getting out of the way in time. Not helped by the fact the blast radius on RPGs and grenades are fairly realistic.

Basically this game is awesome. Real team play. A microphone is pretty much a must. Games are long, hard, and brutal. Don't be surprised to have just a couple of kills after an hour long game. But on the other hand, apply your tactics right and dedicate yourself to some risky flanking maneuvers and you can be rewarded with coming up behind a line of 20+ enemy soldiers and killing a good amount of them. It's happened once to me and my friends already. Flanked around a large hill and climbed up the back of it, came up on top to find 6 or 7 enemy snipers and LMGs bunked in and laying down fire on other squads in our team. A few well placed grenades soon cleared them up.

Buy it :p
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