Speed Kills

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Daemon Poster
On this past Saturday, a 13 year old boy was killed in a car accident about 1/2 mile from my house. Three kids were in the car, none of which had their seatbelt on, 1 killed, the driver is out of the hospital, with minor injuries and is on suicide watch. He killed his best friend by going 95 in a Ford Lightening on a curvy road. THe other passenger is in critical condition and will be released as soon as his liver stops bleeding.

I just wanted to share that with you all just to reiterate the danger of speeding. NO DRUGS NOR ALCOHOL was a factor in the accident. I know the driver, and would of got to know the boy who died seeing as that he was going to become an incoming freshman next year.

All it takes is one little adjustment going that fast and it's over like that. Cherrish your life, it's too short as it is.

R.I.P. Chase Arnett.
That's horrible, I don't understand why some people think it's "cool" not to wear seatbelts.... Like it makes you look more tough.
being a firefigter i have seen this time and time again. you can tell people not to do it but they dont think it will happen to them.....until its too late.
I can kind of relate to this. A friend and I were going down a dirt road, doing 90 in a 1990 Mitsubishi Eclipse. He lost control and we went into the ditch at about 60. We were lucky we didn't hit anything otherwise the car woulda flipped, and since me and him are tall, our heads woulda been crushed by the ceiling being crushed.
hygor said:
being an idiot kills

I take it you aren't and never were a teenager. I'm being careful how I word this, but it was almost an acceptable mistake. You, being the adult stiff you are don't realize the need to look cool in today's society especially as a teenager. All we was trying to do was look cool in front of his friends. Anyone would of done it, the only reason someone got killed in this accident is luck. People do it every day, it's just this time God decided to teach my neighborhood a lesson. It's too bad. The kid isn't an idiot, I know him. He just made an unfortunate mistake sacrificing safety for the risk that he won't die, and I really don't appreciate you calling him an idiot.
my condolences for that kid. it's really an awful thing.

You, being the adult stiff you are don't realize the need to look cool in today's society especially as a teenager.

the need? there's no need to look "cool". is your life worth losing just to be ccol? to prove what? to whom? you're a little a young to know "today's society" in order to think how you should act in it. luck is luck but you shouldn't provoke her...
Anarchy, sorry to say, but he realy is an idiot. just because something becomes more socialy acceptible cause there are so many stupid ppl crouded in one area, doest make it and aceptable choice.
unless he was suicidel to begin with, then i can understand the reasoning it trying to do speed monuvours witha truck. in that case the stupid ones are the ppl riding with him, withouta seatbelt.
and honest, i think ur an idiot now to.
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