Should i buy an Xbox360?

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Think of the stupid media before buying GTA4, as they are WRONG. Games don't cause people to be violent, idiot parents who buy 10 year olds M or AO rated games do. The government shouldn't control kids, parents should. End of question, end of statement, the end.

I don't have it or plan on getting it, but I played GTA4 at my friend's house today and it's pretty fun (can't escape those police though, it's near impossible lol).
The RROD probably wont get you if you buy it now, they fixed that problem. The 360 has a lot of good titles as well as Xbox LIVE(way better then PS3 online).

Don't let the specs of the PS3 sway you. The 360 has a faster disk read speed so it loads faster. Also the PS2 did the best in the 6th gen console war, it it had the worst specs (yes, worse then the gamecube)
Like these people are saying, you should be safe from the RRoD IF you make sure you get a later market system, since no recall was done I'm sure some of the later models are still out there. Also, couldn't agree more with calcprogrammer on how parents should start taking a more active role in the lives of their children and not leave it up to the community and the government to do it for them.
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