Should games be banned ?

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heh my latest 70 too 8 days played time. thtas 24h x 8 days, thats like alot of time that could have been spent doing other things. But meh, sadly i'm a horrible horrible introvert.
Counter Strike. You can even play as a terrorist.

The only game that should be banned is WoW. It's for everyone's own good. Sorry folks :(

Or make some kind of MMO limit, some people play WoW/Everquest for 14 hours on days like Saturday and Sunday and they end up playing the one game for 80+ hours a week. Its disgusting that people would sit in front of a game for that long just trying to level up or get better armor.

I saw this show and a guy picked everquest over his family.
This whole thread is just straight up retarded. No offense to anyone here but when talk of morales comes it, I tend to get irritated really quickly. Cause everyone has the balls to point fingers and blame others. Yet at the same time ignoring the fact they have their fair share in the problems.

Its like everyone feels they are above the problems of society. Which is super funny cause now you complain about parents *****ing and whining about video games. When soon enough you will be doing the same when it becomes acceptable to have heterosexual relations or even homosexual relations on children's tv shows.

Once again no offense but if you stand for nothing you will end up falling for everything. Just look at the societal changes in Northern America alone over the last 50 years. Please, please, for the love of me don't go around blaming parents for all the troubles because everyone has a fair share in the worlds pitiful state. That includes me as well.
So who do you propose we blame then? No-one? Ourselves, the Government? Children only experience the 18+ games via their parents or other children's parents.

If they were to think "oh, such and such is coming over today, better hide the 18+ games", then children would just have to wait until they're of age.
So who do you propose we blame then? No-one? Ourselves, the Government? Children only experience the 18+ games via their parents or other children's parents.

If they were to think "oh, such and such is coming over today, better hide the 18+ games", then children would just have to wait until they're of age.

Like some one in this thread stated they could just stop over glorifying violence and sex in games. Very smart how they turned a taboo subject into something they now place on a pedestal. Game Developers like the guys who are behind Fable 2 are actually uncensoring the sex scenes in their games. Much of Europe doesn't really censor their television programming.
The developers have the right to glorify anything they want. Last time I checked, people and companies in America still had this freedom.
The developers have the right to glorify anything they want. Last time I checked, people and companies in America still had this freedom.

Yeah I understand but every where you look sex and violence is glorified. Then we have the audacity to complain when a school shooting goes down. Lets face it, in the states we now reside in a dream world. While the rest of the planet is more mellow censors much less then American media does and still has lower crime, and rape rates.

We have the freedom to act like fools and we take full advantage of it.


No I m not saying censor everything, I m actually against censoring. But when we make murder look like a sport. When we show half dressed, 95 pound, 6 foot tall woman. With 38DD breast and the moment a nipple slips then all **** breaks loose.

Why can't we just stop being hypocrites?

Also keep in mind Fable 2 is not being censored in any of the other countries except for the Good Old USA.
I do not see why they have to ban some games. If you are 18, you are an adult, any game which is deemed unsuitable for under 15's/16's should be rated 18 no matter what the content.
I am all for a Restricted Rating on games. We have Restricted Rating for movies. What makes games so different?

Oh yeah, I forgot. It's the entire idea that the rest of the world has that games are just there for kids.
I can really see both sides of the issue on this - Developers push the limits with games to get the pub that GTA and games like that get. Getting a game banned in a country or state is some of the best (even though bad) publicity they didn't have to pay for. Parents also need to realize that video games are not babysitters and that they do need to monitor what their kids are playing, especially at home.
actually I think censorship is what made a nipple slip a big issue, In many countries topless beaches are the norm and if a child saw a topless woman, The kid could care less because it is just the norm and becomes a non issue, However it is a big deal in the states because it gets blown up so large if a hooter get shown on prime time TV and because the media make it such a big deal, Kids think it MUST be something to get all excited about. Heck have you ever seen a commercial from Europe. Hooters galore in some of them. Then again with the obeast issues we have in the states....Maybe it's better to keep those covered as much as possible :eek:

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