Set up a sharing network w/ Linksys WRT54G?

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Grandfather of Techist, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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The South
Alright boys and... well, guys. I have set up my wireless router. My desktop is using a wired connection, and my soon-coming rig will also use a wired connection. My daughter's new laptop is on a wireless connection.

What I need to know is this... how do I need to set it up so that we can share stuff between computers? Things like media files, data, printers? Or am I gonna need more hardware to pull it off?

Just a note, I cannot "see" my router's setup page. Here's a link to what I mean:

It looks the same in Firefox and IE7... which means nothing that I can click on is there.
I would reset the router first and see if you can get into the configuration and update your firmware.

BTW, what Operating Systems are you all running. You shouldn't need any more hardware, just the router and some folder configuration to share files and printer.
Yeah, if running xp you just need to right click on the folder you want to share--go to properties and then there is a sharing tab. Once on the sharing tab, there is a link that will take you through a wizard. Post if you are using a diff. OS. Also, as far as the setup page...I would update the firmware.
Had to update the firmware to get the blasted thing to work. Sat for half an hour on hold to get a tech, and spent most of another hour getting the thing working. Seems that this model doesn't like either BellSouth or DSL with the firmware it shipped with.

I'm running XP Home. My daughter is running XP MCE. The rig I'm getting is XP Pro (I think). Shouldn't be an issue with them.

EDIT: As an additional note, Opera doesn't show the setup page either.
I thought you had it fix with a firmware update. Is the problem with the Opera browser or with every browser now. If you could, try accessing the router from another computer with these browser. It might help troubleshoot rather it's the router or your computer at fault.
ditch that sorry router. I have one sitting in the closet now. I assume it to work (it was boxed up when I got it). but it didn't. I bough a dlink router. it work flawlessly

last week i went to a friend house to set up their wireless with the same router (this one was new). it was a no go

they bought another router. everything was fine after that
I don't know if you got that router resolve but on the file and sharing issue, there is this program call Network Magic that can configure all your machine with just a few mouse click. It's a 30 day trial I think, but it's an easy way, since my way is pretty long and I hate to type alot. Heres the link

I never used it before, so I don't know what will happen when the trial period end, I don't know if it will still maintain your sharing after you uninstall it. You can still configure your machine the old fashion way.
ditch that sorry router.

No can do. Outa money for a bit.

As for the setup page, I can access it through Avant browser. I guess because it is based off of IE6...?
when connecting the computers to the network, what I do is set up the IP addresses manually.
most routers use the range 192.168.0.X (the router itself usually uses inside the network)

if you get it set up, you should set up encryption wirelessly. the best one to use is WPA, if it's available on that router.

Make sure that all PC's are in the same Domain or Workgroup - on XP, it usually defaults to "MSHOME" but sometimes it uses "WORKGROUP"

to view/change the domain:
My Computer -> properties -> Computer name - >change
it's at the bottom

after that, you just need to enable sharing on each folder/drive that you want shared.
then, to access the folders/drives, addresses are in the format:
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