Router Screen Capture

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Golden Master
Router Screen Capture

Please Note: If your anti virus says it found a virus of any kind please know this is a false alarm. There are no viruses in any of the programs on this site. If your anti virus says it has one please submit the file in question to your anti virus maker, they will then scan the file themselves, see the program or setup is clean and update their virus def's to not cause the false alarm.

What I plan on doing with these screens falls in this order:
1. Check and blur out any information on the screens such as IP addresses and such.
2. If possible add support for the router to the Simple Port Forwarding program
3. Add the screens to the screen shot database
4. Write a port forwarding how to guide for the router
5. Write a port triggering guide for the router
6. Write a wireless setup guide

Current Version: 0.9.9 Beta

Your screen resolution must be greater than 1024x768, the program will warn you if it is not.
Setup File Info: (2.34 MB) (MD5 Hash - BB873245E5606D4C0C4365FDB445B029)

What is MD5 hash? MD5 hash is a code made from every byte of the file, if the file is different in any way the md5 hash will change.
(HashTab is a great easy tool to use to check the md5 hash of files)

This program is used to get screenshots and html code of the pages in your router. This information is then used to add screenshots and "How To" guides on our website. Showing you how to do many things such as port forwarding, configuring your wireless, setting up DMZ and a number of other things! The html code is used to add your router to our Simple Port Forwarding program, allowing you to forward ports and port triggering easier than ever.

This program is totally free and very easy to use. The program works by taking a screenshot and saving the html code on every page load. The program remembers each page it captures so don't worry about clicking on the same pages more than once! All you have to do is view every page possible! Including clicking all buttons such as add and edit buttons so the program can capture those pages as well. The more the better! Once you're done you simply click "Done". At which point the program will compress all the data into a single zip file and then ask you to upload the file to our site. Only the router data is sent to us, no other data of any kind!

Router Screen Capture |
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