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I enjoy multiplayer as much as the next guy. Single player definitly has its merits though. Diablo is very fun single player. Vampire Bloodlines does not suck. Its an RPG from Troika that uses the Source engine. check it out
wtf are u talking about. Diablo is so much better multiplayer- whether on bnet or with friends. half life 2 is so much better online(CSS). i think online play whips SP hardcore. find me a game that has both online and SP capabilities where SP is better....slow internet is not an excuse!
Homeworld series. Multiplayer was decent, but single player blew my mind. Combo of gameplay, story, graphics was incredible.

Im not gonna argue that every single player game is better than every multiplayer game. I am arguing that single player has its merits.
JDGreen92086 said:
Arcanum, lmfao.

if you didnt like arcanum than you shouldnt be talking, name one problem with it, it was perfect when it came out (exscuses like graphics dont count) just beacuse you spend 18 hours a day on evercrack doesnt make it THE BEST GAME EVER, sure they are addicting but they are incredibly repetitive case in piont kill 8 wolfs for there pelts, next quest kill8 bees for there stingers, next quest kill 8 boars for there tusks, and everyone knows that is exactly how it is like, meanwhile games like arcanum every quest is completly differnt
JDGreen92086 said:
WTF is Vampire Bloodlines... If I've not heard of it, it most likely sucks, or it's either a game that is like mahjong or some shit like that in rpg style, haha.
rpg of the year
4 out of 5 stars
got an 8.4
again just beacuse you play evercrack 18 hours a day doesnt mean that it is good, vampire bloodlines is amazing
JDGreen92086 said:
"if you didnt like arcanum than you shouldnt be talking"
In other words, if you don't like something keep your mouth shut, right? 1 word. HYPOCRITE

wtf is evercrack? lol


1. my opinion
2. just a joke
3. i never said mmorpg were bad just not as good as SP rpg's
4. evercrack is everquest (used to signify all mmorpgs in this case)
but it is addictive like crack cocaine a common street drug that kills people
5. who isnt a hippocrate on tech forums

and finnally the most important piont
6. Arcanum is amazing

;) (just jokes)
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