question about downloads

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Baseband Member
i couldnt find this anywhere so i came to ask :p

if you download, lets say a Map pack for a game on PS3 on lets say "User 1" and then I create "User 2" will I beable to use the Map pack on all users, or just "User 1"?

Thanks for any help :)
i'm not 100% sure but i think that if you buy a map pack on user 1 then user 2 try's using them it will not allow it

i think it's the same as xbox live arcade games, i bought pac man on my xbox live account and downloaded it then i let my brother on and he loged in to his account and it only let him play the trial version (where i actually had the full version downloaded)

so i think it's the same
It would be dumb if it didn't because the software is on the pc so it should be able to use it on any user.
Nope. Just as with PC's you have to decide on a lot of programs to use for just one user or all users on the PC. With the Playstation 3, they don't want 10 people all sharing a system and only having to buy the maps once because then they would be losing money. Each individual user, unless they are using the same PSN login (which I don't think you can), would have to download the maps.
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