Potentially the longest thread in history...


Sorry Carnage- I just cant let this pass - you certainly know tech, but I think this is not your area of expertise.

SO wait- because I have mercury in me already, more wont hurt me?? I don't think so... NOT super good logic. Obviously - the bodies system of detoxing happens at a certain rate, but some toxins cannot be flushed out and build-up in the system. SO, just because a body has "X" number of grams of a substance or toxin in its system and it appears to be unaffected by it - it does not mean it can handle more without a problem. Example is simple alcohol intake : 1 drink= no issue, but 10 drinks- your are an idiot without reasonable mental faculties or coordination. and alcohol clears reasonable quickly form the system- Mercury does not. Can you please define a "different kind of Mercury"?

Methylmercury = the highly toxic mercury that bioaccumulates (builds up in your body) and stays in your body longer (several months). This is commonly found in fish (which binds to certain proteins so it doesn't affect them the way it does us). Eating said fish passes methylmercury into your system. Some fish contain more amounts of mercury than others - however, pretty much all fish contain more methylmercury than the ethylmercury in vaccines (actually its thimerosal).

Ethylmercury = what's produced when your body breaks down thimerosal (what's found in FLU vaccines - it has been removed from other vaccines since the early 2000's). Ethylmercury stays in your body MUCH shorter (a few days to a week), and does not bioaccumulate.

Adults can handle higher levels than children or infants - solution? Spread out the vaccinations farther apart so the body has time to process/breakdown/remove.

Go talk to the parents of Autistic children and ask them what they think caused their child to become Autistic.
That study that was done by the doctor that "linked" vaccines (specifically the MMR vaccine and mercury) to autism was proven to be FALSE and unfounded. That doctor even had his license revoked and is no longer allowed to practice.

Remember here in USA - the vaccines are in multiple doses before the child is 2 years old- so all the toxins are affecting new immune and nervous systems - NOT adult systems. Europe, or anywhere else for that matter, does not vaccinate the way we do in the USA - they start vaccinating with less different vaccines and on older kids. . I don't have the answer - but why put more toxins in the body if we don't have to??
There are vaccines available without certain compounds in them - albeit they are more expensive because they cannot be reused and not preserved as long.

Vaccines are a multi- billion dollar industry - do you really think they or any other multi- billion industry has your best interest in mind when they maximize profits? Especially, when they are insulated from any prosecution due to the relationship between the government, the CDC, big pharma, etc.
Your tin-foil hat is showing.

However, if you actually do some research - it can be enlightening.

I would suggest you do the same - and not from the anti-vaxxer home-made blogs that quote other anti-vaxxer blogs with "founded research". Research peer-reviewed scientific articles.

This is a good start as it backs up all her claims with peer-reviewed research:
Dear parents, you are being lied to. | IFLScience

Methylmercury = the highly toxic mercury that bioaccumulates (builds up in your body) and stays in your body longer (several months). This is commonly found in fish (which binds to certain proteins so it doesn't affect them the way it does us). Eating said fish passes methylmercury into your system. Some fish contain more amounts of mercury than others - however, pretty much all fish contain more methylmercury than the ethylmercury in vaccines (actually its thimerosal).

Ethylmercury = what's produced when your body breaks down thimerosal (what's found in FLU vaccines - it has been removed from other vaccines since the early 2000's). Ethylmercury stays in your body MUCH shorter (a few days to a week), and does not bioaccumulate.

Adults can handle higher levels than children or infants - solution? Spread out the vaccinations farther apart so the body has time to process/breakdown/remove.

That study that was done by the doctor that "linked" vaccines (specifically the MMR vaccine and mercury) to autism was proven to be FALSE and unfounded. That doctor even had his license revoked and is no longer allowed to practice.

There are vaccines available without certain compounds in them - albeit they are more expensive because they cannot be reused and not preserved as long.

Your tin-foil hat is showing.

I would suggest you do the same - and not from the anti-vaxxer home-made blogs that quote other anti-vaxxer blogs with "founded research". Research peer-reviewed scientific articles.

This is a good start as it backs up all her claims with peer-reviewed research:
Dear parents, you are being lied to. | IFLScience
Bingo. People just want something to blame.
Here's another good article (again, backed by studies and such):
Toxic myths about vaccines « Science-Based Medicine

Remember kids: correlation does not indicate causation - I wish more people took a basic statistics class -.-

I remember in my stats class, my professor gave an example for that. His example was: In a certain area where a large number of 20oz bottles of pop are sold, there seems to be a large number of car accidents. So that means pop causes car accidents, right? Nope - because correlation doesn't imply causation.
Re: Today I have...

I splurged on the MadCatz Strike 7 and i love it.. esp for active mic/volume control plus windows mixer integrated into the touch screen. Although i spilled beer on the main section so it doesn't light up - it was really nice being able to easily pop off the keys to clean it after the spill and it otherwise works perfectly.

Before this purchase I wouldn't recommend MadCatz products but this has changed that opinion... The keyboard is a tank.. weighs a lot, made of quality materials and heavy metals.. very sterdy and feels great to game with.

Re: Today I have...

Seems like MadCatz has been getting better lately.

Not like the old days of making PS2/Xbox original controllers...where those weren't nearly as nice and felt cheap.
Re: Today I have...

That... is a very.. very gaudy looking keyboard :tongue:
And it's a membrane keyboard. No thanks :tongue:
As someone who loves cold weather.

Sweet jesus. It's t192 which is basically FI but one can dream :eek:

Point taken on the different types of Mercury- I figured you were talking about that- but did not want to go into the biochemistry = Yawn. Just because ethyl does break down quicker- does not mean it doesn't have intermediary molecules that are toxic while it is breaking down or that is does no harm in the time that it is in your body. It still crosses the blood/brain barrier and therefore has potential to do harm-especially in a infants brain that is in early development. Obviously - this issue has not been studied for ethical reasons other than in monkeys - so how can you tell if a monkey brain ( much less a human infants brain) is effected by a exposed to Ethyl Mercury- really?? How low can the IQ go before it is documented "scientifically" in a monkey's brain.

You asked for Peer reviewed journals or scientific evidence- I thought I already discussed that by the dentist scenario. NO ONE will pay for the studies, because the liability issues would cause major issues, not to mention who you would be making enemies with. Ya, I know - I feel another pointy head comment coming. Check out this doctor scenario = Burzynski Clinic | Advanced Alternative Cancer Treatment | Houston, Texas = curing Brain cancer in kids who has endured years of harassment, jail time, etc. who finally won his law suite against the FDA. What big lab or research facility is willing to go through that type of bullying by their own governmental agencies to create a study on the effects of vaccines that is not designed to be a "positive outcome" ? = NONE !! They , like you and me need to make a living and feed their kids. You mentioned "stats" - well then, as you know - any study , based on the parameters of the study can prove or disprove pretty much anything.

Since you do not work in the medical field ( assumption on my part) - Just look at the FDA drug approval of numerous meds that have been pulled later after they were "approved" - do you really think the initial research or "scientific evidence" was properly analyzed and not "doctored". Do you really believe there is no "Hanky Panky" getting the drug approved in the first place. Why is it such a stretch to think there "may be" reactions to the vaccines and or other meds/toxins, etc that the evidence has been "doctored" in the same way? Just because we we do not have "scientific evidence " regarding X reaction does not mean the vaccine or drug is 100% safe ( no such thing as 100% safe). Who knows , there maybe a different reaction or damage taking place that we cant see or analyze yet. I choose to error on the side of safety.

As I said - I am not zelot - I say informed choices. If I was to travel to Africa I would be first in line for my vaccines. However, The current vaccine schedule for an infant does not allow for the spacing that you suggested- and "no" in many places you cannot get a mercury free vaccine and if you choose to not vaccinate your kids per the vaccine schedule in some states the parents would face getting the kids taken away from them for "child abuse". So, while you may think this is an easy "no brainer" or a "duh your a pointy headed idiot". I dont.....
Point taken on the different types of Mercury- I figured you were talking about that- but did not want to go into the biochemistry = Yawn. Just because ethyl does break down quicker- does not mean it doesn't have intermediary molecules that are toxic while it is breaking down or that is does no harm in the time that it is in your body. It still crosses the blood/brain barrier and therefore has potential to do harm-especially in a infants brain that is in early development. Obviously - this issue has not been studied for ethical reasons other than in monkeys - so how can you tell if a monkey brain ( much less a human infants brain) is effected by a exposed to Ethyl Mercury- really?? How low can the IQ go before it is documented "scientifically" in a monkey's brain.
The issue is when it stays in the body and builds up over time. Mercury isn't like cyanide or arsenic (both of which are in natural foods and in "high" quantities - ever wonder why you boil rice or not supposed to eat specifc parts of almond plants?); mercury causes damage over time. And ethylmercury != methylmercury - 2 different compounds. That's like not wanting to drink water because it's made of Hydrogen and Oxygen, 2 VERY combustible elements on their own...but together it's necessary for living.

Yes, ethylmercury still does flow into the brain through the bloodstream...but it is flushed out quickly enough that no harm is done. Like I said...it doesn't bioaccumulate like methylmercury.

You asked for Peer reviewed journals or scientific evidence- I thought I already discussed that by the dentist scenario. NO ONE will pay for the studies, because the liability issues would cause major issues, not to mention who you would be making enemies with. Ya, I know - I feel another pointy head comment coming. Check out this doctor scenario = Burzynski Clinic | Advanced Alternative Cancer Treatment | Houston, Texas = curing Brain cancer in kids who has endured years of harassment, jail time, etc. who finally won his law suite against the FDA. What big lab or research facility is willing to go through that type of bullying by their own governmental agencies to create a study on the effects of vaccines that is not designed to be a "positive outcome" ? = NONE !! They , like you and me need to make a living and feed their kids. You mentioned "stats" - well then, as you know - any study , based on the parameters of the study can prove or disprove pretty much anything.
Sorry but there's plenty of funding already for those studies - and guess what? Peer reviewing those studies will ensure that results are not fabricated. Like what happened with the doctor that correlated MMR vaccine causes autism - his papers/research were reviewed and proved to be unfounded/fabricated. Unfortunately it took too long and people latched onto it and used it as ammunition for a stupid movement.

And yes, any study can prove or disprove something based on the study's parameters - that's why reviewing goes on and repeating the experiment by other groups/researchers to ensure it wasn't an anomaly that occurred.

Since you do not work in the medical field ( assumption on my part) - Just look at the FDA drug approval of numerous meds that have been pulled later after they were "approved" - do you really think the initial research or "scientific evidence" was properly analyzed and not "doctored". Do you really believe there is no "Hanky Panky" getting the drug approved in the first place. Why is it such a stretch to think there "may be" reactions to the vaccines and or other meds/toxins, etc that the evidence has been "doctored" in the same way?
You are correct I don't work in the medical field - however I know plenty of people that do and actually have gone through anatomy courses/higher level biology/chemistry courses.

No I don't believe initial research was doctored or fabricated - different variables and methods of testing will produce different results. That's why you must be careful with what you're doing in an experimental / lab setting. Science/medicine has advanced rapidly recently and more thorough tests are able to be done on previously thought safe substances (high fructose corn syrup anyone?).

Just because we we do not have "scientific evidence " regarding X reaction does not mean the vaccine or drug is 100% safe ( no such thing as 100% safe). Who knows , there maybe a different reaction or damage taking place that we cant see or analyze yet. I choose to error on the side of safety.
So you'd rather risk the statistically small chance of an adverse reaction to a vaccine, instead of being proactive and vaccinating to not only protect yourself, but your family, and those around you? Vaccines aren't always 100% effective - that's known. A vaccinated person can still carry the virus and it can be passed onto a non-vaccinated person. That non-vac person can spread it MUCH more rapidly and it will affect them more adversely because they have no proactive antibodies built up.

Recently there was a case of Measles in my state that started when somebody (unvaccinated) from out of state came in to visit their family over Christmas break. The rest of the family was also not vaccinated - guess what? It spread to that family and then spread out to other people in the community. Measles is HIGHLY transmittable, and quite fatal in young children/infants. Sorry, but refusing to vaccinate on the "off chance" you might have a reaction to the vaccine...is irresponsible.
Re: Today I have...

I splurged on the MadCatz Strike 7 and i love it.. esp for active mic/volume control plus windows mixer integrated into the touch screen. Although i spilled beer on the main section so it doesn't light up - it was really nice being able to easily pop off the keys to clean it after the spill and it otherwise works perfectly.

Before this purchase I wouldn't recommend MadCatz products but this has changed that opinion... The keyboard is a tank.. weighs a lot, made of quality materials and heavy metals.. very sterdy and feels great to game with.


Seems like MadCatz has been getting better lately.

Not like the old days of making PS2/Xbox original controllers...where those weren't nearly as nice and felt cheap.

Looks interesting to me. I have been cursing them for years for their low quality game controllers but I wonder if they have actually moved towards better gear. I'm in the market for a new keyboard now but i don't know if that is right for me.
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