Potentially the longest thread in history...

I had sex with a can opener in the 7th grade.

But seriously... I'm on my way to getting student aid and I'll officially be a student at the local community college (the best education state help can buy!) ...I want to do something with computers. I used to love coding websites (I know css/php/html are NOTHING but still, I had fun.. I always wanted to do C++ but never really tried) ...What is there? Anything? I hate math, I hate everything to do with networking? Anything left?
^ agreed luke.

TF official policy is sex with kitchen utensils is wrong in every sense of the word. I never thought that i would have to bring up that matter of policy.
i wonder how may Canadians would want to have a semi northern Ontario lan game. I was thinking about making a thread, because im having a small little lan game in august, maybe some people from t-f would come, what do u guys think?
Do go into detail - that sounds like one **** of a story... neto... humm i will ponder that one for a while.

But if it is anything like Heinz one of Stephen frys old collidge chums I don't wana know. (got to be a QI buff to get that)

Going back to this Saxon (sorry been away for a few days), Back when I was in College (quite a few years ago now mind), my friends decided that they wanted to be Superheroes. :freak: They called themselves the Justice League of Kent and they had also decided that I was to be the villain. I was Netto, with the power of luring people away from other Supermarkets with my cheap prices and my Scandinavian Quality.

Well that's the story. Quite odd isn't it? :p

Also Saxon, I am a QI buff. Have you read Stephen Fry's Biography "Moab is my Washpot"?
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