Potentially the longest thread in history...

Re: Today I have...

and I'm in love with the "future trance" albums ;-) been listening to them all day and doing some very different things with photoshop
Re: Today I have...

Not to shabby for only having my practice trading account open for 1month. Maybe I should take it up full time, that would be nice.. check markets a few times a day, relax and do whatever I want. Only problem is i'd need about £50K starting portfolio to make it pay as much as a full time job. £10,000 would of theoretically earnt my £600appx in a month, which is less than the jobs im looking at. However, with 50K, I would of made £3200. Then you take into account that half the time, you are going to get it wrong and loose an equal amount of money. So half of £3200 is £1600, that'll do me nicely as an average.

Now where do I get 50K from.

Re: Today I have...

Today I arrived in Amsterdam, staying in an old guy's guest room on the 4th floor of an old building. Comfy as, and this dude has been around the block several times so he's got some pretty interesting stories.
But best of all, free internets! :D
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