Potentially the longest thread in history...

It was your standard 2L Bottle of Coke.

I took the same picture with one of those "8Mp camera" upscaling apps, they work well ey ? ;)
Look at african apartheid 100 years ago and look at it today, it's still pretty crap but it's a lot better than it was then. I could give you numerous examples of where people 100 years ago had a lot more prejudice and lack of respect.

Apartheid in Africa was a manifestation of the European colonization in many respects. Sure there were tribal wars before, but when European countries colonized the areas they placed tribes ahead of others. When they left and created the states of Africa, which were never defined before and most conflicts involve land and property, you get the revolts and civil wars of the majority fighting minorities in power. One of the major reasons contributing to the social state of Africa, apartheid included, was the injection of European ideologies upon Africa. And as we all know just because Intel's i7 2600k is more advanced than an AMD 1090T, it doesn't mean it will work all the time in all situations under all circumstances.


Religion has nothing to do with respect and dignity, sorry. If my father was still alive he would preach (that's right) to you how religion is nothing but your own personal belief or way of life. He would also say how people let religion control their lives to the point to where they have no life. The problem with today is people are starting to outgrow that control of government and religion and they are fighting to figure out ways to control the people.

Most religions have rules, but they don't control your life. Most religions weren't intended to be nearly as controlling as they became over time due to corrupt leaders. Most religious people are fairly normal people, they may do small things that would be considered unordinary but for the most part you couldn't tell the difference.

As for respect and dignity back 100 or so years ago in the US people were a lot more religious and a lot more respectful of others, their countries and whatnot. While they may not be linked as religion has gone down over the years so has people's respect for one another and their country. Sure there were people that didn't like their country back then but there were a lot less.
Fish populations have gone down too over the last 100 years, I think that's what's causing the apparent decline in respect and dignity. What's that you say? I didn't provide a single thing to backup my claim? ...oh wait but that's ok
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