Potentially the longest thread in history...

I'm rockin the glasser thing. very nice. there's even stylist scripts to make the whole browser transparent even the web sites!

but I only do the window frame and the top part (the nav bar, the address bar, etc) area till the tabs. the rest is standard.
Re: Today I have...

I stopped on my way home from work tonight to put in my first workout of our new gym membership. It has a been a very long time since I did anything like this (around 25+ years TBH). I worked by arms, chest, and back. Yes, I will be very sore later and am very stiff now. I plan on hitting it again tomorrow night unless I am uber sore as I have an interview Tuesday morning (day after tomorrow) and don't want to be moving like Frankenstein for it.
Re: Today I have...

I went for a jog on saturday for the first time in ages.
In summary
Re: Today I have...

Today I slept better than I have in ages, like amazingly so. First cool night in so long, and for once I managed to fall asleep nearly straight away. Oh man, if I could have a groundhog night last night would be it lol.
Re: Today I have...

I went for a jog on saturday for the first time in ages.
In summary

I want to get to the point that I can go run. I would love to be able to participate in some 5K's.
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