Potentially the longest thread in history...

Phil, don't talk to me about snow. We have over 2 feet of the stuff and there's supposed to be at least 6 inches more tomorrow.

I have some photos, post tomorrow.
^lol, ironic, i hate snow, yet i lived in northern Ontario for four years...the rest of my life i have lived where i do now. Right now the place where i lived up north has bucket loads of snow, and it is like -20 something (not really cold considering the average is about -40)....right now where i am there is NO snow and it is only like -2....
There was this one year we quite literally got 4 1/2 feet of snow. I got stuck at my friend's house...we would jump off his porch and elbow drop into the snow and not get hurt...fun times.
Well, if anyone cares to see all the snow we got, here's some photos.

Snowy - December 19th, 2009 - a set on Flickr

I'd like to point out two in particular though.

This is my car completely buried in the snow.

This is my mom's SUV buried in the snow.
We should totally guess what cars are under the snow, just for fun :D

I'm guessing the 2nd one is either a Ford Explorer/Mercury Mountaineer/Mazda Navajo (which are basically the same cars).
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