PHP and Apache Error

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Baseband Member
Chicago, IL
I followed the great set-up guide from Apache, PHP, MySQL, and PHPMyAdmin on this site but I am stuck at this error...

Whenever I add the line:

LoadModule php5_module "C:/WEB/PHP/php5apache2_2.dll"

I can't get the apache service to start. I comment out the line and the service stats with no errors. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

Ok, I think I resolved that problem but now I have found another. I didn't investigate too much into it but I can't get PHP and MYSQL to work together.

I followed the guide on these forums and changed the two things in the php.ini file. Then I went to try to load a wordpress blog I had set up before on the server and I get an error stating that my PHP installation is missing the MySQL extension.

I was going to compare my phpinfo page with the one that was supposed to be photographed on the guide but the guide didn't have any images for some reason...

I noticed that everywhere that MySQL was mentioned in the phpinfo page it was pointed to "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin" but that directory does not exist. I have it installed under "c:\web\php" - I'm not sure if that would make a difference but even if it did, I have no clue how to go about fixing that.

Well I am calling it quits for today, I will pick up again tomorrow. Hopefully in the meantime one of the super smart members of these forums will be able to figure out and solve my problem! Thanks again in advance!
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