Overwritten MBR

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In Runtime
New York
My friend used Trinity Rescue cd to write a new MBR on his netboook because he was getting bsod and he thought that would help. Anyway right now the netbook wont even attempt to load windows, after the bios, all you see is a black screen.... Any ideas about what i can do to fix this? Thanks
It never came with an xp disk and it doesn't have a cd drive. Can i use a different xp disk and change the serial numbers it uses ? I only have an oem xp cd. Also I tried using unetbootin to put the xp cd on a usb drive and was having some difficulties. How would I go about doing that?
You can use any kind of XP CD, as long as you can get to the recovery console. As far as putting XP on a flash drive:
EEEguides.com: Install Windows XP on the Asus Eee PC

You could also always just go get a USB CD drive.

You won't have to worry about changing the serial or anything like that, because its not working directly with the Windows install, its only changing the boot sector/MBR.
Ok so here is an update, I finally got xp onto a usb drive (if anyone has a prob with PEtoUsb not recognizing any usb drives, you need to change the compatibility settings Properties>Compatibility>XP) Anyway so I started windows recovery, ran fixboot, and did chkdsk with /f and /r. After I did the I was able to boot into windows regularly but I forgot to change the settings to prevent a reboot after a bsod. When I rebooted again to see if it was fixed... Bsod again! Right now it attempts to boot into windows as opposed to just showing a black screen after the bios loads, but I just get a bsod which flashes for a second and then reboots so I can't see any info. So I booted a live cd and the only crash dump I can find is from nov 2009. I am out of ides so if anyone can offer and suggestions.....Thanks
Cheating way would be to take a video with your phone or something, and then play it slow-mo or freeze-frame the BSOD part and get us the STOP code and all-caps-text at the top.
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