Opera 9.61 security update

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Golden Master
Opera 9.61 security update

The Opera development team just released the second beta of Opera 9.5 Mobile yesterday and a new final version of Opera for desktop PCs just a day afterwards. Opera 9.61 is a recommended security update which is already distributed by Opera's internal update checker which alerts user if new versions of Opera get released.
A total of three security issues have been fixed in this version of Opera. The first issue fixed a security bug where the History Search function could be used to reveal browsing history. The second fix prevents Fast Forward from allowing Cross-Site scripting while the third prevents news feed previews from revealing contents of unrelated news feeds.
In addition to those three security fixes two user interface changes have been implemented in the latest version of Opera. The image toggle button on the status bar was changed to a normal button instead of a menu. Finally a issue with Opera Link was corrected which could generate duplicate bookmarks during synchronization.
The Opera changelogs can be accessed at the official Opera website. The download can be initiated from within Opera or by visiting the Opera website.
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