old mac.

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Baseband Member
i have a old mac (not very old, from late 1980's or early 1990's) but still. i find it cool. bak in the day when all u could only use floppy disks on those comps. i dont have a digital camera so heres a pic from online

unfortuanetly i dont remeber wat it looks like. ill check on the weekend and tell if its the right comp. just tellin cause it semi-old
tehcube said:
old macs r cool but mac's kinda suk. just incase u didnt no
um... if you didn't notice this is the mac section, your entitled to your opinion but dont broadcast it here.
cool, I want to try that out, I think they used to have one of those at my school
Old Macs were the best Macs :p
There were so many stupid stupid games for those old Macs, and I think I had every stinkin one of them :laughing:
Does anyone here remember the Journeyman Project games? Or the Zork games? lol I had all of those and each time it would nearly kill my old Quadra :zip: I also remember playing Marathon for hours on end :D My cousins and I had so many stinkin games that when we got together we'd get out all the floppies and have a trade session :laughing: We had like four different versions of Oregon Trail floating around lol

Ahh, good times good times :)

tehcube said:
old macs r cool but mac's kinda suk. just incase u didnt no
How can you say you didn't mean to diss Macs when you just did? :rolleyes:

If knowone ever said it yet, then i'll say it: Macs RuLe! :angry:

Has anyone ever played 'Cap'n Mingeto?' That was the worst RPG i have ever played! :D :cool:
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