NFS Carbon Demo.

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Too soon. EA is messing with people's minds. They release a sequel every couple of months. It's getting boring. The same game over and over again.

Just look at Battlefield 2 and 2142.

When people switched from Wolf 3D to RTCW it was actually fun; something new, amazing.

Same with Doom, even though Doom 3 was dissapointing, it was something entirely new, so it was kinda cool.

GTA. GTA3 was übercool. People remembered the good old times playing GTA/GTA2, and GTA3 was something exciting.

But no, EA (and some other developers) has to release a sequel every couple of months. How many NFS games do we have now? 7 or so?

Half-Life --> Half-Life 2? cool
CoD --> CoD2? uncool, same game

sounded like shumway caught wind of the demo...hit the dl and spread the word all excited...then finds the "wind" is coming from EA scat.

NFS is what my 5 year old cousin plays because he cant drive and doesnt know that you cant turn a 45 degree corner at the same speed you can turn a 90 degree corner.
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