Neodymium and Nd Magnets

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Solid State Member
Chemical Element: Neodymium
Symbol: Nd
Atomic Number: 60
R.T.* Density:
M.P.* Liquid Density: 6.89 g/cm cubed
M.P.= 1024 Deg. Celcius
B.P.= 3074 Deg. Celcius

Description: Neodymium is a rare Earth metal, with a shiny, silvery, and metallic luster. Neodymium (hereon referred to with it's Symbol, Nd) has a hexagonal crystal structure, and will maintain a solely solid state until approximately 1297 Kelvins (which is approx. 1024 Deg. Celcius) where which it will begin to melt. Nd was first discovered by Baron Carl Auer von Welsbach, Austrian chemist, in Vienna, 1885. Baron discovered Nd, as well as Praseodymium, through the use of spectroscopic analysis of Didymium. Nd Ions are used in laser active media, like crystals with the Ions of Rare Earth Metals (one of which being Nd). Nd is approximately 18 hundredths of Misch Metal, which is a naturally occuring alloy of Rare Earth Elements.

Neodymium Magnets:
Neodymium Magnets, or Rare Earth Magnets, are extremely (and potentially hazardous if used inappropriately and uncautiously) powerful magnets, of Neodymium, Iron, and Boron. They are quite fragile, and can break and fracture (pieces will go flying, so eye shielding is recommended) if used in a typically careless way. An experiment that is performed frequently by researchers is at the bottom of this. It is relatively easy to conduct the experiment. These magnets, as mentioned, are EXTREMELY strong. They can lift thousands of times their own mass. At
the magnets can be seen lifting 1300 times their own mass. The magnets are 4mm in diameter and 1.5mm thick. They are holding up 3 steel ball bearings. These magnets can convey extremely large amounts of power.
Note to all you evildoers out there: Neodymium magnets can be your BEST friend. Due to their massive amounts of power, they are extremely dangerous to hard drives and can completely erase them. When I say completely, I do not mean Format. Formatting does not completely erase a Hard Drive. Nd Magnets Do. So, you hear the G-Men knocking, pull out your magnet and swipe that hard drive.
Also, if you are a guy, dont keep this in one pocket and have something that could be magnetically attracted to the magnet in the other pocket. Doing this may result in a pair of smushed nuts. Dont do it, I know from experience :(.
You can obtain Neodymium Magnets by ordering them from or taking apart a Hard Drive or SOME head phones. Your best option is ThinkGeek, as they arent very pricy and they're very good.

The Experiment:
-A Hollow Copper Pipe (of a good length maybe about two feet)
-A Nd Magnet small enough to go through the copper pipe.

The Process (which is remarkably short and simple):
-First, make sure you can see into the copper pipe.
-Secondly, drop one of your Nd magnets into the pipe.
-Finally, watch as the magnet travels remarkably slow through the copper pipe.

*M.P.=Melting Point
*B.P.=Boiling Point

Thanks for reading, and PLEASE give feedback!!!!!!!!!
My alternate names are Psycha, Gadsandbombs, and Xer0X.
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