Need help choosing a PC Tablet

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Solid State Member
Hey all,

So I want to get a PC tablet ASAP now and I was wondering what would be my best option.

I'm looking for one for general web browsing etc but I also want one where I can remote access my PC (Games etc).

Need one with android too.

Budget is £100-200

Thanks. :smile:
Okay wait. Are you looking for a Tablet PC, one that runs Windows and can do what you would do with any normal laptop. Or are you looking for a Tablet that runs iOS or Android like the Xoom, Kindle Fire and such? They are different things and your topic title doesnt make sense to me.

Also good luck, the only tablet in that range that is even worth anything is the Kindle Fire at $199, but that is locked down to only Amazon stuff. You would have to void your warranty and hack the unit to run Android for real. Anything else is going to be at least $50 above your budget.
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