Navigation pane to sidebar OSX

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Golden Master
How to make the navigation pane in vista look like the leopard sidebar!!!!

-Enable de navigation pane
In a explorer window in the folder band clic in orginize>layout>navigation pane

You can customize the links as you prefer, normally leopard has by default four kinds of links:

Devices: where you can find the HD, iDisks, etc..
Shared: where you can find the other computers in a network
Places: where you can find you personal stuff (videos, movies, etc)
Search for: where you can find the file modified yesterday,last week,... or all your musique, pictures or movies)

All you have to do is to drag and drop what you want to add to your navigation pane for each section that you have created.

To create Devices/places/shared... titltes you can drag and drop any folder you want (ie c:\windows, normally they will be links too). For each Devices/Places... you have to name it in CAPS.

For each link you can change its icon, firts of all right clic over the link>
roperties>shorcut tab>change icon

You can find some icons for the sidebar here: [link] or here: [link]

For the titlles Devices/Places... you should choose the arrow as the icon

As you've done for the DEVICES/PLACES/... you should chosse any folder to be the separator (as it'll be still a link)
Place this links where you want the separators and right clic over them>go to change icon and search for an invisible icon in shell32.dll (normally in c:\windows\system32\)
For the name of the shorcut you tap: alt+255 once for the first separator, twice for the second, etc...

As for the background, links tittlebar and folders bar hidden you can use the shellstyle.dll here: [link]

You gotta know that this shellstyle.dll works properly only with the WB skin.

More information:

- SideBar tutorial: [link]

- Separator for navigation pane: [link]

I gotta thank IDAS=Zeus OSX for his inspiring work and Raats for his tutotrial and icons!!!!!

All questions and comments are wellcome


Navigation pane to sidebar OSX by ~edgordil on deviantART
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