My Life

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Daemon Poster
Spaceballs Mega-Maid
My main interests are Music, AC/DC Circuits, and Computer maintenance/Networking....

i dropped out of highschool and got my GED, then i went to tech school for a few years, but for the most part im self-taught... and i work for the cable company....

for the past 10 years i've been experimenting with music at least 4-10 hours a day (imagine the music equivilent of being addicted to an MMORPG)

my main goal in life is to show people my music, and the story behind it...

When i was a young kid, i remember playing with GI-joes and getting lost in my memory, but everything else changed very suddenly.

I was abused as a child, and my father went to jail for drug sales/murder when i was 12.

I wanted to say this in a public place, so.... i'll say it one last time...

If i cant have my music i dont want life.

(oh, and computers)
Flanker your an asshole!!!

RichM499 i semi understand how you feel, not everone has a perfect life hope your ok.

-Take it easy
Y'know, I wouldn't want to live without my music, either. I think a lot of my musician friends would agree, as well. Performing music is just an euphoric feeling, honestly, for anyone who hasn't experienced. Ever since I had to quit because of school, I haven't missed or wanted something back as much as that.

Before I started playing instruments, I had absolutely no music appreciation whatsoever. I now listen to basically everything, with the exception of rap, hip-hop, and American pop-based music (basically what they play on the radio...). Without music, I would be a COMPLETELY different person.

Computers aren't as important to me though, I can live without 'em. =)

Flanker, from the posts I've seen, you're really coming off as an asshole, IMO.
One of the thing with music is that is helps me calm me down and focus myself.

Like I knew that I was going to walk into a shitty day today. One with the MP3 player for about 30 minutes on the trains......
Nothing can bug me after that.


One thing I would like to say...
"Beyond All Dark Clouds There Is A Blue Sky"
yea man i feel the same way about music if i didnt have music i would fall asleep in my car when i drive.

that sucks that your father was an ass but hey u got thru it and your alive
Its nothing personal, I've just had a lot of annoying emotional outbursts at me lately and my patience is running out with people who can't control themselves. And here we have a perfectly "sane" member who comes out of nowhere because I'll bet you something happened to him that day. He just has me rolling my eyes and thinking, "My God...another one." This isn't a pour-out-your-feelings forum. Anyways, if you think what I posted was bad, you're right. It was intended to be bad. If you thought it was a stupid move, well, I still don't think it was. But all that stuff that you guys are telling him, he should've already figured out on his own.

macdude425 said:
Way to pull a stupid move, Flanker. If you ever come and vent about your life on here, I'll post that same picture, just to PISS YOU OFF!

I already know no one cares. Whats more, I haven't exactly had a happy childhood either. Doesn't mean I'm gonna come on here and whine about it. I got over it and learned to control my emotions a while ago. You won't see me doing the same thing around here. Maybe I'm just emotionally stable. I can't think of anything I can't live without. There are plenty of things that are important to be, but if the most important thing(s) to me were taken away, I'd get over it.

I find it funny that this thread is right above the EMO rant. 49 posts bashing EMOs in that thread and guess what happens in this one...
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