My Hamster Died

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Hampsters dont live long. I had the best hampster, it was the ultimate escape artist and was able to escape from any commercial hampster cage we got, and we had 5+. He escaped at least 5 times

Now I have degu's like this one

In total I have had 7

First degu, lived 8 or so years and died of old age
Degu's cannot be kept alone so we got a second one, died quickly of medical problems.
Third degu died very quickly, medical problem.
Another degu died very quickly, same medical problem.
Fifth degu gets bought, is female and has two babies with the first degu. Dies at around 6-7ish of old age.

Now the two babies are alive and doing pretty well. Back when I got degu's they were unknown in North American and only kept as a zoo pet.
degus are well cool. my mate has some.

ive had 2 hamsteres die now. it is not a nice feeling.
:(i had a pet turtle and it ran away behind the TV and died :confused: it was a weird little turtle
septoid2 said:
Whoa where'd you get degus from?

A small weird pet store that got a few in. After the first batch of degu's they must have gotten crappy degu's from somewhere else.
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