Mainstream viral advertising.

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Solid State Member
When you see the subject you think"Ah, an oxymoron!" That's what I thought too, when I first heard of the idea. But it's what Dell is trying to do with this site. Usually, marketing is obvious, and put on TV. The general message, as you're all probably aware is "SEXSEXSEXBUYOURPRODUCTSEXSEXSEX", or something similar. Viral items, however, spread through the internet by word of mouth, being passed along because they're funny, be it laugh-at or laugh-with. Like the Star Wars kid, or All Your Base, or anything else like that. In this case, Dell is clearly trying to create such an internet phenomon, with, from what I've seen, only moderate success.

So as something of a brainstorming exercise, I thought I might pose a challenge to all you lovely brilliant people:

What has Dell done right with this promotion, and what could they do better?

Lets keep it positive, with no "Dell sucks" posts. Look at it froma marketing perspective. Will this take off and become vastly successfull? Or will this fall flat on its face?


That said, here's what I think:

What this site has going for it:
Mitch *is* pretty funny.
Looked at from a tounge-in-cheek point of view, it's brilliant.
On some level, there's a little bit of Mitch in most of us. We're all dorks sometimes.
It's wholesome enough that it can be passed around the soccer-mom circuit

What this site has against it:
The production values are so high that it's clearly not a "three stoned guys in a garage" set of videos, which is always a formula for a viral website.
Dell isn't running a concurrent standard-media campaign, so people aren't aware of the DJ ditty in the first place, so the full burden of selling it is on these videos, which don't show off any of the ditty's features at all.

I await your thoughts, comrades...

Probably, but the iPod is mostly spread through mainstream advertising. It seems like anywhere you turn you see another iPod ad on TV or the side of a bus or plastered onto the side of a building... They haven't taken the "Here's a guy making videos on the internet, isn't he funny!?!?" line of advertising. Honestly it's probably because they haven't had to. But I was wondering if anyone thought that this sort of advertising could be successfull?
Dell is using the DJ culture to try to promote their new shitty ass products.

DJ's do not use small music devices. 98% of us will use large special expensive DJ CD players, and the rest expensive turntables.
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