Limiting high end volume from WIN-TV

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Beta member

I'm fed up of having to dive for the remote control when the adverts come on the TV.

I'm looking for an audio limiter that will cap the volume on my PC, specifically for adverts but also for films with loud music and quiet speech.

I'm using Haugpaugh (SP?) Win TV card on Windows XP, PC will cope with reasonable increase in processing output.

I've tried a few with no success:

Nakware - limits ALL sound
TMF Audio Filter - not bad but not really what I want.
Graic equaliser - good but no volume limiter.

Any suggestions?

Thanks guys and gals

get a better cable provider. WOW does that here in my hood, yet warner doesn't have that issue
Thanks Eric, but I'm in the UK. There are regulations, but in the past few years the TV companies seems to be sailing closer and closer to them.

I could just set up the GE, but as that's what they have already done the sound quality would take a dive. I really need some software to limit the sound output.

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