instant messengers- which one?

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Baseband Member
thought i'd get an instant messenger so my boyfriend and i can chat when we're online. he has a modem and doesn't have a dedicated phone line, which is *such* a pain.

i'm a little hesitant about this- are there dangers? viruses, spyware, whatever? which ones are better than others? i know very little about instant messengers. i'm usually working too hard to chat! ;-J

thanks for your input!
um... not to be too annoying, but...

can anyone suggest an IM that isn't owned by AOL or microsoft? being inherently evil and all...
I'm somewhat partial to Yahoo. However i use all of them because inevitably i meet new friends on-line who doesn't use the same IM client as i do.

Trillian is good.... i started using that a couple of years ago myself.
I like yahoo the best, then trillian, then msn, then aim, then ICQ. Icq uses a few more resources than the others. Yes I have all of them. Yes virus' can be spread through them, but your AV can be set to cover IM's just like it covers your e-mail!

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