I'm cleanly Pi***d off to the Max and I'm going to say something about hear.


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England, UK
Charlie Sheen HIV Positive Status.

So Charlie Sheens been diagnosed with HIV and is Positive. YEAH AND. How many people have this, hundreds up on hundreds of thousands, if not millions.

I've just sat down and watched the Videos on You Tube and the F***'ing Scum that walks this earth being the individuals whom have black mailed him really are so low you cant find words in the English dictionary to describe these slug and snails and worm rat filth who walk this life looking for any opportunity for a quick buck.

Hes taking his meds, the illness is fully suppressed and under control. Hence the pressure likes of The Sun, the filth and scum Newspaper who apparently reflects the working class opinion. Oh no, but I don't think so. Front page news as if were back in the 1980s. Complete and utter Garbage peddling S*** by this filth newspaper who supposed to represent people like me and our class.

Even had his doctor on the T.V Show early on a morning over their in America. F*** the haters, the trash who go threw life looking for a quick buck, jealousy, insecure, hate full and lonely suckers who die and or will die alone.

Charlie Sheen is one of my inspirations, a legend, a man who come out and said hey look. Hands up. Yeah its true, people should be taking a pause for the cause. Its a illness like a lot of other conditions people have. Come and black mail me sweetheart, al do you and your f****ng family, two bit slapped up whores, prossies, I took it who these people were.

Charlie sheens For The Win.

Does anyone know were I can sign up and offer support if their is an avenue for this online since I'm in the U.K .
The irony is, he did it for publicity to make a quick buck.

Why would he do it for a quick buck when he has jobs lined up, acting jobs. Movies from what hes said, at least two of them. He said hes not abso skint but has spent up wards of ten million on black mail scams and shake downs.

Nah, don't believe it considering its taken four years and hes paid millions in shake downs. No way PP. I don't want to argue with you over this over a difference of oppinion but I don't believe it. Nah mate.
Please. That's his whole persona these past few years - the crazy guy who has sex all the time, does drugs/drinks, etc.

If you want a celeb to look up to, go with... Robert Downey Jr. At least he doesn't make a big deal about his past drug addiction and has actually moved passed it. I.e. - he's grown up. Charlie Sheen? nah - not much respect for the guy.
Why would he do it for a quick buck when he has jobs lined up, acting jobs. Movies from what hes said, at least two of them. He said hes not abso skint but has spent up wards of ten million on black mail scams and shake downs.

Nah, don't believe it considering its taken four years and hes paid millions in shake downs. No way PP. I don't want to argue with you over this over a difference of oppinion but I don't believe it. Nah mate.
If you believe that then you don't know jack about Charlie. Ever since he got tossed from 2.5 Men he's done nothing but publicity stunts to keep the eye on him and to make money. Charlie is nothing more than a piece of trash, especially after the whole "winning" bull****. It doesn't matter if he has anything lined up, drugs are expensive. The more money you make the more you can supply your habit.
Please. That's his whole persona these past few years - the crazy guy who has sex all the time, does drugs/drinks, etc.

If you want a celeb to look up to, go with... Robert Downey Jr. At least he doesn't make a big deal about his past drug addiction and has actually moved passed it. I.e. - he's grown up. Charlie Sheen? nah - not much respect for the guy.

Very true :cool: plus he had been sleeping with women without telling them.....

Spud, is it because you like his shows? lol
Very true :cool: plus he had been sleeping with women without telling them.....

Spud, is it because you like his shows? lol

This. He wouldn't pay shakedowns if he was being honest. Instead, he hid this from people. I'm pretty sure you can actually go to jail for that considering it has the ability to kill you. I'll have to look that up if I get time, but I remember that from somewhere...
This. He wouldn't pay shakedowns if he was being honest. Instead, he hid this from people. I'm pretty sure you can actually go to jail for that considering it has the ability to kill you. I'll have to look that up if I get time, but I remember that from somewhere...

In the UK its a crime if you knownly have it and do not inform your sexual partners, as like you said, it can kill..
In the UK its a crime if you knownly have it and do not inform your sexual partners, as like you said, it can kill..

It is in the US as well. Could be that he did indeed tell them..otherwise he'd be facing criminal charges.
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