How to import and export Outlook categories

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Golden Master
You decided to export your Outlook data to a new computer only to realize that all Outlook categories have not been exported. Instead of manually creating those categories again you decided to search for a solution to backup the categories on the old computer and add them again to the new pc.
Outlook categories are saved in the registry in the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Office. The Outlook version that you are using determines the rest of the path. Here is a quick summary of possibilities:
  • 8.0 \ Outlook \ Categories \ means Outlook 98
  • 9.0 \ Outlook \ Categories \ means Outlook 2000
  • 10.0 \ Outlook \ Categories \ means Outlook XP
  • 11.0 \ Outlook \ Categories \ means Office 2003
  • 12.0 \ Outlook \ Categories \ means Office 2007
All you need to do is export the categories key and import it in the new computer. To export the key right-click categories and select export from the menu. Select a file name and click on save to end the export.
Load the created file on the new computer and double-click it to import the settings. This is of course only valid if you import the categories into the same version of Outlook. If you are using a different version of Outlook you need to edit the registry key before you import the categories.
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