How Do I Wash Blood Off A Shirt??

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Re: Re: How Do I Wash Blood Off A Shirt??

Harper said:
soak in cold water. And then put in the wash on cold.

Do not use warm water.

If some one stabbed you, I would be taking it to the police.

Naw man, he's to ghetto for that wacked out stuff. Seriously, whats up with gangs today " I'm going to stab him because, well, it will earn honor from my homeboys"
haha now im laughing my *** off...

"i said too much"
"the cops are watching me hard now"

so this guy came up to you and attacked you with a knife and you punched him a couple of times in the head and he ran away?!!? him, with a knife, against you, unarmed. you got some ******* gangs up there yo....

I bet you're just one of those sick people that are bored with their own life so they make up some crazy extravagant stories online to make it seem like they're a different person....

How old are you? 16? 17? I'll tell you what son....gang or not, get your head out of wherever the **** it's stuck and do something else with your life.
I don't think anyone stabbed him.

Gangsta using computer = unlikely
Gangsta on a tech-forums = extremely rare

You would be spending your money on drugs, and not talking about buying things, you would be stealing them.
dont call him a gangsta...the cops are watching remember? they've been watching TF for at least 2 years now.....I heard that Nubius is actually operating undercover for the FBI.

oh crap I've said too much!!!! someone close this thread ....we're all going to die!!!

molsen said:
dont call him a gangsta...the cops are watching remember? they've been watching TF for at least 2 years now.....I heard that Nubius is actually operating undercover for the FBI.

oh crap I've said too much!!!! someone close this thread ....we're all going to die!!!


Too bad Nubius is American, and this guy *would* be in trouble with Canadian police.

Canadian police don't check the net. American ones do.
123Justin said:
anyone know wut to use to wash dried blood off a shirt and jacket?
Dried blood cannot be removed from such material due to the fact that each transending fibre is lubricated with a maloxyed liquid. This liquid takes on the characteristics (example: colors) of other complex liquids such as blood or grape juice. Once these liquids interact with each other, they are indirectly merged, resulting in clostation or a stain if you speak weak english.

Shouldn't you have learned this **** in elementary school? [Flame SNIPPED].
Re: Re: How Do I Wash Blood Off A Shirt??

Majik said:
Dried blood cannot be removed from such material due to the fact that each transending fibre is lubricated with a maloxyed liquid. This liquid takes on the characteristics (example: colors) of other complex liquids such as blood or grape juice. Once these liquids interact with each other, they are indirectly merged, resulting in clostation or a stain if you speak weak english.

Shouldn't you have learned this **** in elementary school? [Flame SNIPPED].

Um...get out of the house. I understood none of that. i like ur last comment. lol.
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