How do I see active wireless users?

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Solid State Member
I didn't have a password for my wireless network for past couple of months. But my IP had been reported for spam on other forum I visit so I had setup a password. Now, how do I see the list of users connected to the wireless. I use a mac, and I couldn't figure out how to do it. Anyone know how to do this?I know am a newbie here, sorry if its not usual for new members to open a thread.:smile:
You'll need to log into your router. Find the IP address of it (I don't how to do that on a Mac, so just google 'mac os x find my router ip' or something along those lines), and put that in a browser.

You'll need to go on the advanced settings if it gives you such an option, and then somewhere in the pile of settings it'll give you a list of connected systems.
If you log into your router you can see all connected device names and ip.

You'll need to log into your router. Find the IP address of it (I don't how to do that on a Mac, so just google 'mac os x find my router ip' or something along those lines), and put that in a browser.

You'll need to go on the advanced settings if it gives you such an option, and then somewhere in the pile of settings it'll give you a list of connected systems.

Thank you. Worked it out.

(rep to both of you) ;)
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