GTA San Andreas 'Secret' Mod

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Baseband Member
Anyone heard of the Mod going around that unlocks some x-rated content in the game?? Learned about it on CNN, unlocked/released by someone in Netherlands I think... Can anyone confirm this, and where it's found???

Now, this is true, but since we're not alloued to release porn-related junk, I won't say more.

BUT, I will say that I, ThE_MarD, shall convert my spiffy biker bodyguard mod to San andreas cause the built in bodyguards seriously blow chunks, lol. I'll probably make it 3 OGF gangstas with that really fast bike.. I forgot the name, and they get some tech9's but actually are accurate with them... maybe I should give them akimbo tech9's.. yeah, akimbo it is. :)

I'm working on getting a new website as well, so in time folks I'll release more info..
ive seen screenshots of it- it is the most awkward looking thing ive ever seen. Essentially it was two people with their clothes on doing some kind of innappropriate act. Definitely wouldnt call it x rated. Cable tv maybe.
The video is hosted on my clans website. I just downloaded it, so if you want it emailed to you, pm me with your e-mail addy.
this has stirred up some big contraversy, some people r trying to blame
the esrb for not finding this, some are blaming Rockstar for puting it in there on not telling anyone about it so they wont get that x rating, but there denying it and saying that guy is the one who made the code, and the guy is saying that he found the code as an easter egg in the game and just put it into affect.
I have played the 'secret' mod. It's nothing. Anyways, I highly doubt someone else other than Rockstar made those code because the voice acting is there. Unless the guy hired the exact same voice actors for his mod. If Rockstar didn't submit this to ESRB they might be in trouble but I don't know their procedures and regulations so I can't really comment. The mod is certainly funny though. I don't know why the politician is so upset about this mod. The game is already rated M. So you have to be 17 years or above to play this game. Considering 17 is when most people lose their virginity anyways and I'm pretty just about EVERY guy by that age has seen some form of human nudity may it be on their own time or education. The only people that probably never have must be strictly religious people who shouldn't be playing a game where you kill people and steal stuff. Also, it is not like it is readily available upon purchase. You have to download the mod and install it and the code is hidden so it is not like a modder will find it in seconds. So it is not like Rockstar said here it is have some fun. The parents who are mad that GTA: SAN now has a 'secret' mini-game should ask themselves why they bought a game which involves killing cops, stealing cars, and joining gangs for their children (presuming they bought it for a person under 17). I once heard a parent rant about the game and when asked why she didn't know what it was. She was like the game didn't indicate it. I mean c'mon the TITLE is a crime. If the politician is so mad about GTA he might as well as urge for a bill to ban the internet. It's all about parenting. If you don't want you kids to see porn on the internet you use parent blocking. If you don't want your kids to play GTA: San's secret XXX mini-game then don't buy them the game. If you're 17 you should already have been through sex ed. If you're an adult virgin well I don't know what to say.

Sorry about the rant it is just that this politician is useless. The game is already rated M and does say on the box...strong sexual content. About Rockstar not submitting the code to ESRB that is a protest that is merited but I don't think ESRB would change the rating anyways even if this code was left in. I mean seriously is sex more immoral than murder?
The only reason that there should be controversy is if the material was in the game originally and that it wasn't reported to the ESRB. I doubt that they would have given the game the AO (adults only) rating because the content wasn't readily accessible.
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