Game suggestion (Girlfriend)

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I'm looking for a game to play with my girlfriend when we are not together, it will be great if it had cooperative mode, it needs to be old, well not old but none of the new games that require a new PC... I'm running a P4 3.2Ghz, 1 Gig ram, integrated intel graphics and she is running something similar to my setup.
The only game I know she likes for PC is Age of empires 2, she likes Resident evil series for console and MLB series.
I was thinking maybe Warcraft III? I have never played it and I don't like RTS too much but I think I can get used to RTS games.
I was thinking Diablo could be an option too.
It will be better if it's not something too expensive since we are just going to try it out, preferably one of those greatest hits games that are like $20 ;)
What do you play with your girlfriend?

No mmorpgs, I don't want to spend time leveling up a character, unless the game is really good, no mmorpgs.

Thanks in advance!
Diablo II is a really good multiplayer RPG that is not demanding on PCs at all.

Warcraft III is also a good RTS that isn't too demanding on PCs (never ran it with integrated so I couldn't tell you how it'll run).
The only games I would play with my woman would be behind closed doors...........Yes that's right Hello Kitty Adventure Island.

You can give games like the Sims a try I suppose. Something you could both stay interested in.
Haha ^ Yesterday she decided that she wanted to play Age of empires II...
well that's ok with me I guess, I just want to know of a few different games.

Thanks for the other suggestions
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