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Take up fighting and go on the street and just randomly start hitting people, that's what a true pirate would do.

I mean that old lady will be so ****ing surprised it's priceless when you give her a flying kick.

Don't listen to common sense, liquor DOES increase your fighting potential. Nothing like getting liquored up and fighting to relieve stress.
"the town prostitute isd back, and ready to hoad..."

You could try Feng Shui? You know, the stuf that tells you:

1. Never face a door while sleeping

2. Don't live in a house shaped like an L

3. Have plants n' stuff next to doors.... n' stuff....:confused:

Pimping out ur "CHI" is the most effective path to peace, n' stuff! that should do it.
PS:: About that umm... "Problem you dont want to mention..." .... They make pills for that now. :freak: (Just kidding):D :cool:
Start making different projects, like make a patato gun. I wish I lived in a woody area out with some good distance between neighbors, man I would never be stresed with that, blow some crap up with fireworks, shoot my pellet or paintball gun. Buying a cheap computer at a yard sale then smashing it with a sledge (a Dell would suit perfectly) . The possibilities are endless!
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