Gah, I'm useless at CSS.

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Where you define "footnote" in the CSS file, put a period before it. Like: .footnote

And then where you want to use it, make class="footnote" in your element. Like, <p class="footnote"> or whatnot.
Never mind.. which footnote are you talking about, whats defined as footnote is supposed to be and is orange, not grey.
Yeah, my cache didn't clear. I'm just running over the rest of the site. I'll include a few things I thought of yesterday.

I'm just wondering: Can I include a bit of javascript with the CSS? Just to make my comments all appear as "comments" but then expandable to what the comment is... Rather than include the expand thing in each page.


By the way, I'm "gamerunown" on Xfire.
You can't use Javascript inside the CSS file, but, you can definitely use Javascript and use your CCS class.

I'm not much good with Javascript though, but there are plenty of tutorials to do what you want out there.
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