FYI Microsoft Spyware Released ..

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*PyRo* said:
The same computer that windows hurt.
Very true.....
I tried it out on my work computer today. Not too bad. from what I have been told, MS bought out some software company that was working on an anti spyware.

Also the real time monitoring it useful too.
Harper said:
I tried it out on my work computer today. Not too bad. from what I have been told, MS bought out some software company that was working on an anti spyware.

Also the real time monitoring it useful too.

See guys? Told you it wouldn't be bad...

I'm probably going to give it a try later today just to see how user-friendly it is, etc.
ShoobieRat said:
Well, you go right ahead...

Me, I never touch anything beta from MS if I can help it...

Dude... all you have to do is go to System Restore and create a restoration point before installing it.

I mean, seriously.. what harm could it do? It's not like it's going to make your PC explode or anything. :p
Look...I'm probably the biggest MS supporter here...but I'm certainly not going to be the first one to point out that even when MS DOES release a product, it's till buggy and potentially damaging. So I certainly ain't touching any MS beta object that I don't have to (or that doesn't come in a zero-footprint trial, like their new beta search engine).

Second, system restore doesn't save you from the time you could lose, the agrivation, the settings you'll potentially have to go back through and reconfig...and most importantly, sys-restore doesn't protect you from files that a beta has destroyed.

Anyway, unlike some other people, I don't have the time to dork around with applications that don't fully work and will potentially lead me to a system-restore or collapsed machine.
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