Free certs?

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Hey, as you may already know im from Australia, so i dont know if that comes into it or not: But are there any free certifications i can get online or else where?

Mostly hardware would be nice.

You can check They offer some of their certifications for free on occasion. However, I'm not sure if they have much in the way of hardware.
The only real hardware certs i know of are A+. Even then there has to be a place where you can go to take the exam. I have not heard of many other hardware certs out there.

Even a search for hardware certs brings up specific software that allow vendors to submit a product to their testing to get it verified as working. A+ is the only 1 i have seen that offers a broad range of coverage for general hardware certs.
Honestly even if you find a free cert. i would doubt anyone would put much weight into it. A+ is really the only hardware cert. and it is relatively expensive when it comes to exams. And it is one that employers look least upon - meaning it is good to have but employers don't put a ton of weight into you having one, it helps but it won't get you a job.

So based off that I couldn't imagine a free certification (if they exist) have much if any weight in the real world.

Just my 2.
Free certs are just not worth it, unless you are willing to go out and get somthing of value like a A+ if it's hardware, CCNA if it's networking, or one of the many other recognised certs that cost money most employers dont want to know.
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